Sunday March 12 1916. I danced with all the other young men.

What a pleasant dinnerparty yesterday! As I had Annes silkgown I was as fine as the other ladies. And when arrived there to mayor Grahls the doctor and I were introduced to several ladies and gentlemen. There were friherrinnan Wrangel, doktorinnan Ramberg, doktorinnan Forsberg and daughters, Anna-Lisa and Karin. And so there were mayor Axelsson, greve Spens, lieutenant Sundelin, ingenjör Eurén and notary Forsberg. And so at last but not least the very, very pleasant hostess and host and their boys, Eric and Hjalmar.

And after the good dinner, we girls and young men sat in Erics room and smoked cigarettes, and so the hostess played so we danced, and the host danced the first waltz with me! And then I danced with all the other young men but Eric, he said that he would so much liked to dance with me also, but as he was the youngest of the dancers he must wait, and as all the others always come first, and so on. It was a very pleasant evening indeed and I was very content, when the doctor and I went home. I wonder how it would be today.

Originaltext från Judit Boudins dagböcker 1912 – 1924

Illustration för Judit Boudins dagböcker 1912-1922

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